Does Cotija Cheese Expire? Tips for Checking the Expiration Date

Cotija cheese – that peculiarly addictive ingredient in Mexican recipes – has lacked clarity about shelf life for some time: ‘Does Cotija cheese expire?’ Many of us, with our hearts set on Mexican-flavoured food, are perplexed about the shelf life of this dry-aged cheese.

Understanding Cotija: A Dry-Aged Delight

Cotija cheese, named after the town of Cotija in the Mexican state of Michoacán, adds a mind-boggling taste to hundreds of Mexican dishes. Few other cheeses are made so meticulously. Cotija is made from cow’s milk, brined (that is immersed in a saltwater solution), then aged for weeks to months. The brining and the extended aging dry the cheese out, so it becomes dry and crumbly.

Does Cotija Expire? Separating Myth from Fact

Cotija cheese doesn’t technically expire, although it might seem paradoxical because it ages out over time. Cotija’s incredibly long shelf life stems from its developing a self-curing effect as a response to its natural preservatives. Specifically, it occurs because the brining facilitates the evaporation of the moisture content of the cheese, thereby representing a natural force of protection.

Signs of Spoiled Cotija: Knowing When to Let Go

And Cotija might not spoil like other cheeses, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tell when it’s deteriorating in quality. Cotija fresco should be white or lightly yellow, with a light salty aroma. Avoid cheese that’s browned or streaked, showing mold growth, or smelling ammoniated or musty. The texture should be hard, gritty, never slimy, sticky, or rock solid.

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Storing Cotija for Lasting Freshness

To preserve its maximum flavor and texture, store your Cotija in a sealed container in the refrigerator between 35°F and 40°F (1.7°C and 4.4°C). Some aficionados recommend bringing Cotija in a light brine solution in the fridge, which slightly alters the flavor.

Using Cotija Wisely: Maximizing Flavor

Cotija’s aging does not end after it’s made. As it dries out, the aged cheese becomes even more potent, retaining its high quality for weeks or months after you take it home. This means you can still appreciate it for all it’s worth in your favorite dishes.

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